At QIC, we believe that using local professionals is the best way to do business and to meet your needs.
They understand the business culture and practices far better than outsiders ever could, and are better equipped to market our services and control our operations.
This is why we always prefer to work with local partners. Our partners have a high degree of autonomy and flexibility in how they manage local affairs. This allows them to tailor services to meet expectations and preferences within their market place.
Wherever we operate, however, the core values and principles behind the certification remain the same. As a result, we can offer the best of both worlds: international and local.
QIC companies have a number of relationships with international Accreditation Bodies and organisations such as: UKAS and FSSC 22000. There are a number of other accreditations and associations planned for the future.
Within QIC companies there is accreditation under UKAS and FSSC 22000 with several more planned for the future. QIC certificates are recognised and accepted in all major trading blocks of the world.
QIC takes a modern, forward-thinking and progressive approach to the market and to our services. Our online systems keep bureaucracy to a minimum, reducing the possibility of mistakes and ensuring rapid turnaround of reports and certificates.
QIC has trained and competent personnel available throughout the world. These include engineers, technicians, inspectors, auditors, trainers and technical experts. Personnel are utilised as and when needed for specific assignments.
QIC does not receive funding from the government or any other source. Our income comes from client fees alone. This dependence on the market ensures our fees are competitively priced and our service attractive.
QIC being self-financing, we depend on our clients. We understand their needs and feelings, and welcome their comments. Client feedback is also integrated into our business planning systems and procedures.
QIC senior management are also qualified lead auditors who have extensive practical Quality Assurance (QA) experience from careers in industry. This brings an in-depth knowledge of the problems industry faces and client assessment demands.