Quality Inspection and Certifications (UK) Limited(“the Company”) is committed to ensure that auditors and staff do not receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, religion, marital status, disability, age, race, and colour, and nationality, ethnic or national origins or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable.
This policy continues not only in the recruitment process, but throughout our staff and auditors period of employment with The Company, ensuring all employees are offered equal opportunities for recruitment, training and promotion. This is realised via adopting the following approaches:
• All management staff involved in recruitment and discrimination will neither be practiced nor tolerated.
• Audit teams comprising of our Lead Auditors and Auditors are to ensure that there is no bias based on gender, race and cultural differences during the delegation of their responsibilities and audit tasks.
• The Directors of The Company have pledged to investigate all reports cases of demographic bias reported by Auditors during their line of duty.
• We will carefully plan our approach to recruitment and staff promotions, using structured systems which match written criteria to a candidate‘s merits and personal qualities.
• Consideration is given to making any reasonable adjustments to the workplace if necessary, in order to accommodate staff and auditors needs.
• All staff and Auditors have a legal and moral obligation not to conduct themselves in a discriminatory and prejudicial manner, and to report any instances of such. Staff will be subjected to disciplinary or legal proceedings in the event they are found to have behaved in contradiction to this.
• We ensure that the safety, health and welfare of our staffs and auditors are adequately met and endeavours taken proactively and reactively in averting physical abuse, threats of physical abuse, unusual punishments or discipline, sexual and other harassment, and intimidation.
• The Company is committed to comply with the laws of the countries where it does business, including those relating to wages and benefits, working hours and legal requirements for employment contracts, in compliance with our Code of Ethics and Social Accountability Policies.
• The Directors of the Company recognises the equal rights of all employees and will facilitate a free and conducive bargaining for all employees in a just and equal manner without discrimination and the risk of being procrastinated and ridiculed.
Doug Page-Symonds
Chief Executive Officer