Quality Inspection And Certifications does not condone bribery and corruption in any form, and we maintain ethical conduct within our organisation at all times.
Quality Inspection And Certifications has implemented this policy by ensuring that all Auditors and staff has declared any interest outside the organisation. This is achieved by verification of information supplied by Auditors and staff with clients on an ongoing basis.
If you have a complaint related to any aspect of bribery and corruption, please in the first instance, click the link below and supply details. All such information shall be treated strictly confidential and not released to any third party unless required by law.
All personnel should take it as part of the moral duty to report any such activities to the Whistleblowing channel
(www.gcl-intl.com) immediately.
Staff and auditors shall receive the necessary training on Bribery and Corruption.
The Quality Inspection And Certifications Impartiality Committee shall be responsible for oversight of the implementation of this policy,