Social – Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification Servicing clients in over 50 countries across 5 continents Thu, 24 Aug 2023 10:46:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social – Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification 32 32 Social And Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) Mon, 19 Aug 2019 21:06:56 +0000 The post Social And Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

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Social And Labor Convergence Program (SLCP)

SLCP – The Social and Labor Convergence Program aims to bring together unique perspectives to create an efficient, scalable and sustainable solution for social audits. This framework includes a standard-agnostic tool and verification methodology which collects objective social and labor data that stakeholders can use to identify opportunities for improvement and track progress. One assessment for all, vast amounts of resources saved. Imagine the possibilities.

Why now?

While the current compliance-focused approach has played a significant role improving social and labor conditions over the past two decades, it has also led to a proliferation of audits. Manufacturers, brands and other stakeholders are ready to move away from endless audits to investments which truly make a difference. It is time to think differently together. Change begins here.

What do we want to achieve?

SLCP believe that they can improve working conditions by joining forces: one single assessment for all, more resources and improvements for everyone. That is why SLCP have created a Converged Assessment Framework that supports stakeholders’ efforts to improve working conditions in global supply chains.

This program will help the industry to:

  • Eliminate audit fatigue: avoid duplication and reduce the number of social & labor audits, by replacing current proprietary assessment tools
  • Increase the opportunity for greater comparability of social & labor data
  • Redeploy resources to improvement actions

This includes the application process, providing training, and implementation of Quality Assurance (QA) processes and procedures. Service providers who wish to provide SLCP verification to facilities must be completed the application and training process through SLCP online.

GCL are delighted to announce the approval as SLCP Verification Body (VB) for facilities verification

Contact us for more information about SLCP Verification and Training.

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    Social Compliance (GCL-SCS:2009) Fri, 21 Feb 2020 11:18:13 +0000 The post Social Compliance (GCL-SCS:2009) appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

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    Social Compliance (GCL-SCS:2009)

    The Quality Inspection And Certifications Social Compliance Scheme (GCL-SCS:2009) is a supply-chain certification scheme. The Scheme ensures a degree of confidence in the supply chain that core social responsibility obligations are being considered and appropriate controls effectively implemented.

    Our Social Compliance assessment team are available to conduct assessments across five continents and therefore no-matter where your supply chain extends, we are likey to have a team nearby.

    What is social responsibility?

    Social responsibility has become one of the most important factors to measure your organization’s performance and this is true of all sectors of society. Social responsibility is an organization’s legal and voluntary duty to consider its social and environmental impact of its decisions and activities. A corporate responsibility strategy outlines the ways that an organization contributes to sustainable development, engages with its stakeholders and behaves ethically.

    Can I get certification?

    Your organisation can be assessed for its social compliance against our criteria which includes:

    • Social responsibility and accountability
    • Legal responsibilities
    • Human rights and labor practices
    • Community involevment
    • Credibility and integrity

    Please contact us to learn more about this standard and our audit services.

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      Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit – SMETA Fri, 20 May 2022 07:50:19 +0000 The post Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit – SMETA appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

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      SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) Standard – 2 / 4 Pillar

      Sedex is a global membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices in global supply chains.

      Sedex is home to one of the world‘s leading collaborative platforms for sharing sustainable and responsible sourcing data on supply chains. Buyer and supplier companies use Sedex to manage their performance around the Sedex four pillars of Labour Rights, Health & Safety, the Environment and Business Ethics.

      Over 50,000 members use Sedex worldwide across more than 150 countries, to identify and manage risk their supply chain.

      “Quality Inspection And Certifications” is an AAC (Affiliate Audit Company) of Sedex ( Sedex is home to one of the world’s leading collaborative platforms for buyers, suppliers and affiliate audit companies to store, share and report on information quickly and easily. Sedex helps more than 50,000 members in over 150  countries to work together to better manage their social and environmental performance, and implement measure to protect people, the environment and their business.

      Being granted an account of AAC (Affiliate Audit Company) indicates Quality Inspection And Certifications ’s commitment to correctly use SMETA methodology and the Sedex Advance platform under Sedex’s supervision. The account provides additional benefits and obligations, including access to Sedex Advance and the Sedex platform, Sedex products and services, and engagement in the SMETA audit quality monitor and assessment.

      GCL as a Sedex Affiliated Audit Company (AAC), have demonstrated compliance with Sedex’s stringent AAC requirements. We only engage APSCA Member Auditors, who are internally qualified to conduct SMETA audits, as per Sedex requirements. Contact us for Smeta audit enquiries and to get more information regarding Sedex Advance & E-Learning to ensure client understands the activities, the site must carry out on the Sedex system.

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        Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production – WRAP Fri, 20 May 2022 07:55:27 +0000 The post Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production – WRAP appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

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        WRAP – Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

        WRAP is the largest third-party certification program for the sewn products sector. A non-profit global organization with years of experience in social compliance. WRAP certification is accepted by most buyers. A facility can satisfy multiple clients with a single WRAP audit. WRAP is a certification program. By achieving a WRAP certificate, you show current and future buyers that your facility meets or exceeds internationally recognized standards for social compliance. All WRAP-certified facilities have the option to be listed on WRAP’s website, permitting buyers to locate your facility and see it is WRAP-certified. This provides a level of assurance to potential buyers that is widely recognized and accepted. WRAP will help to secure your supply chain, you can raise your profile in the eyes of some of the notable brands and retailers that accept WRAP audits. A WRAP certification also includes Principle 12, Security, which is benchmarked to the minimum-security requirements under the CTPAT program. This can avoid the need for a separate supply chain security audit.

        The WRAP Principles are based on generally accepted international workplace standards, local laws and workplace regulations, and include the spirit or language of relevant conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The WRAP Certification Program’s objective is to independently monitor and certify compliance with these standards, to ensure that sewn products are being produced under safe, lawful, humane, and ethical conditions.

        Quality Inspection And Certifications is an accredited Monitor Firm in Turkey, Myanmar, Pakistan, Thailand, India, and UAE to provide social compliance audits and related services including follow-up assessments, desktop assessments, post-certification assessments, and other reports according to the WRAP certification program requirements and the WRAP Auditor Handbook for sewn-products manufacturing supply chain facilities and other related industries as they may be amended from time to time.

        Quality Inspection And Certifications only engages WRAP Approved Auditors with APSCA Membership to conduct WRAP audits, as per WRAP requirements. GCL conducts all WRAP activities with the highest degree of honesty, transparency, and commitment to WRAP values and Principles.

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