Environment – Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification https://www.gcl.uk Servicing clients in over 50 countries across 5 continents Sun, 25 Jun 2023 11:27:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.gcl.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/favicon.ico Environment – Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification https://www.gcl.uk 32 32 ISO 14001 Environment Management https://www.gcl.uk/certification/iso-14001-environment-management/ Wed, 20 Feb 2013 11:21:46 +0000 https://www.gcl.uk/certification/iso-14001-environment-management/ The post ISO 14001 Environment Management appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

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What is ISO 14001?

It provides practical tools for companies and organizations looking to identify and control their environmental impact and constantly improve their environmental performance.


What are the key benefits of ISO 14001?

  • Reduced cost of waste management
  • Savings in consumption of energy and materials
  • Lower distribution costs
  • Improved corporate image among regulators, customers and the public.


Further benefits of becoming certified

  • Compliance with a legal or business requirement
  • Competitive advantage in the marketplace
  • Identifying problem areas and opportunities for improvement
  • Independent verification of system suitability & process reliability
  • Enhancing business reputation & corporate image
  • Showing people your care & commitment about a subject of concern
  • Greater staff awareness of and responsibility for company obligations
  • Better resource usage and reduced costs of failures
  • Demonstrating “Due Diligence” to be in more legally defensible position against possible lawsuits.

Why choose QIC?

Global Clients chose us in preference to others for a variety of reasons. In most cases it’s because they like our fair and practical approach throughout the entire certification process and how we understand and meet each individual client’s needs. In short the Quality of our Service.

Benefits of working with us include:

  • Network of Overseas Strategic Partners
  • Fixed Cost & Competitive
  • Accredited Certification
  • International Accepted Certificates
  • Recognised Worldwide
  • Web Discussion Group
  • Industry Experienced Audit Team
  • Free Newsletters & Updates
  • Defined & Agreed Project Timescales
  • Email Help Desk

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    Higg Index https://www.gcl.uk/our-accreditations/higg-index/ Tue, 30 Apr 2019 19:03:32 +0000 https://www.gcl.uk/?page_id=6058 The post Higg Index appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.


    What is Higg-Index?

    The Higg Index is a suite of tools for the standardized measurement of value chain sustainability, and it is central to the SAC’s mission to transform businesses for exponential impact. It is comprised of a core set of five tools that together assess the social and environmental performance of the value chain and the environmental impacts of products, including the Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM), Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (FSLM), Higg Brand & Retail Module (BRM), Higg Materials Sustainability Index (MSI), and Higg Product Module (PM).

    It was developed by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, a nonprofit organization founded by a group of fashion companies.

    What is Higg FEM?

    The Higg facility environmental module (Higg FEM) is a sustainability assessment tool that standardizes how facilities measure and evaluate their environmental performance, year over year.

    The Higg FEM is designed to:

    • Measure and quantify the sustainability impacts of a facility
    • Reduce redundancy in measuring and reporting sustainability performance
    • Drive business value through reducing risk and uncovering efficiencies
    • Create a common means and language to communicate sustainability to stakeholders

    What are the benefits of Higg?

    • Higg index practice helps a factory to identify a range of sustainability opportunities and risks in the facility through the supply chain.
    • To learn adequately about the future sustainability impacts and evaluate the performance
    • By using this standard tool future sustainable strategy and leadership establishment can be developed for long term goals.
    • It also helps to avoid the waste of time and cost and proper utilize of time.

    What to know before you get started?

    • Facilities should be honest and transparent when completing assessment.
    • The Higg FEM is not a pass/fail assessment, rather a tool that identifies opportunities to improve and it’s not an audit.

    Benefits of working with GCL:

    • Network of Overseas Strategic Partners about 50 countries.
    • SAC approved world recognized Verifier & Trainer
    • Recognized all over the world
    • Web Discussion Group
    • Fixed price for all and Competitive Quotations

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      Air Quality https://www.gcl.uk/environment/air-quality/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:34:09 +0000 https://www.gcl.uk/?page_id=21616 What is Air Quality Assessment? Air quality assessment is a measure of how clean or polluted the air is. Monitoring the air quality of the environment is a prime concern for human beings because all of the things in the world directly, indirectly, or partially depend on the environment. For this reason, it is necessary

      The post Air Quality appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

    • What is Air Quality Assessment?
    • Air quality assessment is a measure of how clean or polluted the air is. Monitoring the air quality of the environment is a prime concern for human beings because all of the things in the world directly, indirectly, or partially depend on the environment. For this reason, it is necessary to measure the air quality condition.


      • Why Air Quality Assessment is important?

      Air Quality Assessment is important to measure the air quality of the surroundings and to monitor whether the air existing components are within range of or exceed the standard limit. Because air pollution can cause both long-term and short-term health problems. Many people suffer from breathing problems because air quality standard limits are exceeded. By measuring air quality and taking the necessary steps we can reduce air pollution.


      • Benefits of Air Quality Assessment.
        • Reduces employee sickness percentages
        • Increases employee performance
        • Also increases the overall industry output


      • Our Services
        • Each report contains the complete factory air quality measurement data
        • It will cover maximum parameters related to this scope
        • Each report can be verified online

      The post Air Quality appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

      Noise Level Assessment https://www.gcl.uk/environment/noise-level-assessment/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:37:52 +0000 https://www.gcl.uk/?page_id=21619 What is Noise Level Assessment? Noise Level Assessment is a process to identify noise hazard areas using a noise level meter. Data collected from noise level monitoring and testing helps us to understand the conditions and action that can be taken to reduce noise pollution.   Why Noise Level Assessment is important? Noise level assessment

      The post Noise Level Assessment appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

    • What is Noise Level Assessment?
    • Noise Level Assessment is a process to identify noise hazard areas using a noise level meter. Data collected from noise level monitoring and testing helps us to understand the conditions and action that can be taken to reduce noise pollution.


      • Why Noise Level Assessment is important?

      Noise level assessment is one of the most important risk assessments in an office environment. It helps to identify the noisy areas in the workplace. Employees who may be exposed to noise levels that can cause hearing loss are where additional noise measurements need to be made.


      • Benefits of Noise Level Assessment.
        • Reduces accidental issues due to identifying hazardous noise areas
        • Increases production of the factory and also increase employee performance
        • Also increases the overall industry output


      • Our Services
        • Each report contains the whole factory noise level measurement data
        • Noise level assessment will be conducted according to standard
        • Each report can be verified online

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      Temperature and Humidity Assessment https://www.gcl.uk/environment/temperature-and-humidity-assessment/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:38:44 +0000 https://www.gcl.uk/?page_id=21621 What is Temperature and Humidity Assessment? Temperature is the measure of warmth or coldness in reference to a set standard, often expressed in terms of degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor, or moisture, in the air. Why Temperature and Humidity Assessment is important? Temperature and Humidity are very important

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    • What is Temperature and Humidity Assessment?
    • Temperature is the measure of warmth or coldness in reference to a set standard, often expressed in terms of degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor, or moisture, in the air.

      • Why Temperature and Humidity Assessment is important?

      Temperature and Humidity are very important for human comfort. In the workplace, temperature and humidity are the primary issues affecting employee comfort except in cases where hazardous materials may be sensitive to either.


      • Benefits of Temperature and Humidity Assessment.
        • Increases work productivity
        • Alleviates physical discomfort
        • Increases employee productivity


      • Our Services
        • Each report contains the complete factory temperature and humidity measurement data.
        • Temperature and humidity assessment will be conducted according to standard.
        • Each report can be verified online.

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      Light Level Assessment https://www.gcl.uk/environment/light-level-assessment/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:39:51 +0000 https://www.gcl.uk/?page_id=21623 What is Light Level Assessment? Light or visible light, commonly refers to electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is extremely broad, ranging from low energy radio waves with wavelengths that are measured in meters, to high energy gamma rays with wavelengths that are less than 1 x

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    • What is Light Level Assessment?
    • Light or visible light, commonly refers to electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is extremely broad, ranging from low energy radio waves with wavelengths that are measured in meters, to high energy gamma rays with wavelengths that are less than 1 x 10-11 meters.


      • Why Light Level Assessment is important?

      Poor lighting can lead to eye strain and causes headaches, tension, and eye discomfort. Improved workplace lighting can reduce these health effects and can lead to improved attendance. An employee that is not feeling at their peak can lead to poor productivity and production errors.


      • Benefits of Light Level Assessment.
        • Identifies light level conditions can increase product quality
        • Reduces product rejection
        • Reduces accidents


      • Our Services
        • Each report contains the complete factory light level measurement data
        • Light level assessment will be conducted according to standard
        • Each report can be verified online.

      The post Light Level Assessment appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

      Stack Air Emission Assessment https://www.gcl.uk/environment/stack-air-emission-assessment/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:40:39 +0000 https://www.gcl.uk/?page_id=21625 What is Stack Air Emission Assessment? Stack air emission assessment is a process to identify harmful exhaust gases. Basically, gases are released into the air from boiler stacks, chimneys or diesel generator set stacks, etc. from various industries after the incineration process, i.e. method to remove or burn harmful gases before releasing them into the

      The post Stack Air Emission Assessment appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

    • What is Stack Air Emission Assessment?
    • Stack air emission assessment is a process to identify harmful exhaust gases. Basically, gases are released into the air from boiler stacks, chimneys or diesel generator set stacks, etc. from various industries after the incineration process, i.e. method to remove or burn harmful gases before releasing them into the environment.

      • Why Stack Air Emission Assessment is important?

      Stack air emission assessment is important because stacks from boilers and industrial processes will carry pollutants such as CO2, CO, SOx, NOx, particles, solvents, and other dusts and gases.  These can have a detrimental effect on local air quality and for this reason, such emissions are often regulated. By doing a stack air emission assessment, we can monitor whether the emissions are below the limits.

      • Benefits of Stack Air Emission Assessment.
        • Assesses the current condition of generators, boilers or other related machines
        • Measures process efficiency and process control
        • Helps to study efficiency of process change or newly installed pollution control equipment
        • Provides data to Environmental Impact Assessment Surveys
      • Our Services
        • Each report contains all the generator, boiler, stenter and other machine data.
        • It will cover maximum parameters related to this scope
        • Each report can be verified online

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      Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS) Gas Leak Detection test https://www.gcl.uk/environment/ozone-depleting-substance-ods-gas-leak-detection-test/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:41:33 +0000 https://www.gcl.uk/?page_id=21627 What is Ozone Depleting Substance gas leak detection test? Ozone Depleting Substance gas leak detection test is a process of identifying whether any leak exists in the joint, pipe or body of air conditioning systems or refrigeration systems. Why Ozone Depleting Substance gas leak detection test is important? Maintains the efficiency of air conditioning systems

      The post Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS) Gas Leak Detection test appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

    • What is Ozone Depleting Substance gas leak detection test?
    • Ozone Depleting Substance gas leak detection test is a process of identifying whether any leak exists in the joint, pipe or body of air conditioning systems or refrigeration systems.

      • Why Ozone Depleting Substance gas leak detection test is important?
        • Maintains the efficiency of air conditioning systems
        • Identifies the issues
        • Prevents explosions
        • Protects the environment


      • Benefits of Ozone Depleting Substance gas leak detection test.
        • Reduces maintenance costs
        • Increases performance by taking proper steps


      • Our Services
        • Each report contains the Ozone Depleting Substance gas leak detection test report
        • Ozone Depleting Substance gas leak detection tests will be conducted according to standard
        • Each report can be verified online

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      GHG/Carbon Footprint Assessment https://www.gcl.uk/environment/ghg-carbon-footprint-assessment/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:42:23 +0000 https://www.gcl.uk/?page_id=21629 What is GHG/Carbon Footprint Assessment? GHG/Carbon Footprint Assessment is a process to identify the list of emission sources and the associated emissions and is quantified using standardized methods. Why GHG/Carbon Footprint Assessment is important? Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are rising. Greenhouse gases lead to global warming, which contributes to rising sea levels

      The post GHG/Carbon Footprint Assessment appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

    • What is GHG/Carbon Footprint Assessment?
    • GHG/Carbon Footprint Assessment is a process to identify the list of emission sources and the associated emissions and is quantified using standardized methods.

      • Why GHG/Carbon Footprint Assessment is important?

      Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are rising. Greenhouse gases lead to global warming, which contributes to rising sea levels and climate problems.

      • Benefits of GHG/Carbon Footprint Assessment.
        • Know about the present conditions of factory facility uses
        • Can reduce or improve the conditions by taking proper action
      • Our Services
        • Each report contains all the sources of GHG/Carbon footprint assessment report
        • GHG/Carbon footprint assessment will be conducted according to standard
        • Each report can be verified online

      The post GHG/Carbon Footprint Assessment appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

      Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Assessment https://www.gcl.uk/environment/volatile-organic-compound-voc-assessment/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:43:14 +0000 https://www.gcl.uk/?page_id=21631 What is Volatile Organic Compound Assessment? Volatile Organic Compound Assessment is a process by which we can identify all the sources of VOC and its uses. After the inspection, a standard method generated report is provided. Why Volatile Organic Compound Assessment is important? Volatile Organic Compound Assessment is important because volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are

      The post Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Assessment appeared first on Worldwide Certification Inspection & Verification.

    • What is Volatile Organic Compound Assessment?
    • Volatile Organic Compound Assessment is a process by which we can identify all the sources of VOC and its uses. After the inspection, a standard method generated report is provided.

      • Why Volatile Organic Compound Assessment is important?

      Volatile Organic Compound Assessment is important because volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short- and long-term adverse health effects. Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors. VOCs are emitted by a wide array of products numbering in the thousands. By identifying the area and measuring the quantity of VOCs around the area we can take the necessary steps.


      • Benefits of Volatile Organic Compound Assessment.
        • Fulfils health, safety and environmental requirements
        • Can optimize process flows to improve efficiency and profitability
        • Identifies and reduce leakages of VOCs in the industry


      • Our Services
        • Each report contains all the sources of volatile organic compound assessment
        • Volatile Organic Compound assessment will be conducted according to standard
        • Each report can be verified online

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